The hall is used throughout the week by many different groups. There are some slots available for regular hirers. If you are interested please contact the booking secretary.
Monthly Activities
Film Nights
Blaby & District Social Centre Committee runs a monthly Film Night. All films start at 7.30 pm and tickets are £4 available from Twins News, Blaby, or on the door.
Film Nights restart in March 2019, on the 4th Thursday of the month
See 'Events' for our upcoming screenings
Singing For the Brain
Singing for the Brain is designed to be a fun, stimulating and social activity for people in the early to moderate stages of dementia and their carers. Held on the 1st Wednesday of each month,1.30pm – 3.30pm.
For further information Tel 0116 231 1111
Other Monthly Meetings & Events
Click each group for more details:
Blaby & District Flower Guild (third Thursday, 18.30-21.00)
Leicester Tortoise Society (Mar-Oct, first Thursday 18.00-22.00)
Blaby U3A (second Wednesday, 13.30-16.00)
Leicester Dahlia Society meets 6 times a year on selected Tuesdays between 7.45pm - 10.15pm. The dates for 2017 are
24th January, 28th March, 25th April, 16th May, 24th October, 28th November. For more information contact Tony Weston on 07969 648158
Do you run a club or activity at the hall?
To update your details or add your club, please contact our web editor